since you've been gone

I know, right? An eight month (blogging) vacation is like an eternity on the internet. Here's a short summary of what I've been up to in case you've been concerned:

September - Moved across country just in time to start school two weeks late. Waited with baited breath for our house to close. Began three design classes. Became Girl Scout Leader because I had spare time on my hands.

October - Closed on new house. Dropped two of three design classes because life changes. Remodeled bathroom in new house. Temporarily blogged about the new house as part of Calling It Home's fall One Room Challenge.  

November - Failed to finish my very first One Room Challenge due to contractor delay in the rest of the house. Began blogging silence.

December - Christmas, people. All. Month. Long. 

January -  Officially moved into new house (lizards apparently not optional). (Re)began the two design classes that I had dropped in September. Became room mom and library volunteer and started training for a half marathon. Because, you know, time on my hands.

February - Who knows what happened in February? It's a short month.

March - Took midterm exams from a Disney World hotel room during spring break with the kids. Parenting gold-star achieved.

April - Finished classes, celebrated twins' 6th birthday, and ran a half marathon. In one week. Began paving the way for my new business. (Are you holding your breath to find out more? It's pretty exciting!!)

May - T-ball. For real. 

June - Camp, child-uber, swimming lessons, and more summer fun. Worked with first "client" in my new business. Which brings us to...

July - Almost over, but so far all about summer in the mountains, behind the scenes business building, refreshing with family, and preparing for a house remodel (!!).

Can you believe it is almost August already?