the review: dinner at paris

This week, I am away at Alt Summit, learning more about blogging. Bear with me while I take you on that adventure...a little break from the usual food reviews. And if you are curious, the fish was delicious according to my husband. 

First thing first. I love Red Stamp. If you haven’t tried their app, you should. Today. In fact, Valentine’s Day is coming. I challenge you to send your special someone (or someones) a Valentine every day for the next few weeks. It is super easy. And really cute. And you can email or Instagram or text your cards. Or Red Stamp will mail them for you. Really. I might have to throw a valentine making party when I get back just so that I can send out invitations. Ok, if you know me at all, you know I don’t actually need an excuse to send out invitations.

I may be a bit biased. Red Stamp hosted dinner last night, my first event of Alt SLC 2014. It was a wonderful dinner. The attendees were very diverse and everyone had an interesting story. I was lucky enough to sit next to Polly, who works for Women for Decency (they’re working on a rebrand – any feedback on a new name?), Lauren, a PR superstar who refinishes her old farm house BY HERSELF in her spare time, and the very stylish Chelsea and Ryan. (Are you kidding me? Lovely, Indeed? Yes, Chelsea is in fact very lovely.) Add in the mix some amazing designers, a physician moonlighting as a meal planner (seriously, we need to talk), an accountant for creatives, and Stacy-pinner-extraordinare and you have a dinner party. Was I supposed to talk about the food? There were crepes. With Nutella and banana. Enough said.

Thanks, Red Stamp, for hosting a fun and relaxing start to this week. Everyone was so welcoming. It was just what a shy girl from Idaho needed to make the most out of this conference.


P.S. I love my stationary. And the mophie? Genius!