the weekly craft update: weeks of june 8 and 15
Now that we are all on board with my new crafting strategy wherein I craft something with my kids every week, we should probably get all of you non-Instagram followers caught up. You would save me so much time if you just followed me on Instagram, you know. Just kidding. But really, we should be friends on Instagram. I can never keep a secret and I am forever giving away my best stuff over there. Unfortunately, there might be a few too many pictures of my kids. But I do promise no pictures of my cup of coffee or a box of donuts or my feet or an airplane wing.
I mentioned when we talked about the watermelon banner last week that I have been hoarding craft ideas. I also mentioned that my youngest daughter is onto my hoarding strategy and if she doesn’t zip it soon, she will be banned from Pinterest before she even turns five. Where most kids are pretty single-minded about the toy aisles of Target, Théa has developed into a make-it monster. When are we making my Tangled dress? When are we stamping t-shirts? When can we bake fairy sticks? (P.S. Are these rad or what?)
Before you get started, I know it is totally my fault. I should reserve Pinterest for when she is sleeping. Which is like never. I don’t mind admitting that it is kind of fun to lay in bed with her and scroll through craft ideas to see what she picks out. The things that catch their young eyes are the funniest. Last week, she was flipping through my copy of Bon Appétit when she said, “Gus, isn’t this the coolest oven?” Future kitchen designer? She also told me just before Nanny Whitney’s wedding (sorry, Whit) that she did not want to wear a white dress in the wedding because “white isn’t even a color.” Apple don’t fall far from the tree.
Anyway, I took a little field trip to the craft store a couple of weeks ago and picked up what I thought would be a good start for our weekly crafting sessions. I bought paints, brushes, ink pads, perler beads, iron backing, t-shirts, felt, construction paper, borax, sponges, and wood letters. You’d think it was Christmas when I came home. The kids wanted to make all of it and they wanted to make it now. So here is what we have made so far (in addition to our watermelon banner)…
1. a shoe box pizza oven with felt pizza and toppings
2. potato stamped onsies and burp cloths for Miss Lacie
3. mod podged pots and seed paper teacher gifts
4. a wooden wand and wooden train (compliments of Nanny Emily, thank you)
It’s only been two weeks. We are rocking it. At this rate, I might run out of ideas before June is over. If you’ve got some craft ideas that are tried and tested, please sent them my way. I’d love to talk shop.
Why yes, that is laundry on my sofa and a balloon in my living room. Welcome to real living, people.