the weekly craft update: week of june 22

I have no idea what happened to my week last week. One minute it was Monday and I was in Houston and the next minute it was Sunday again and I was cleaning my floors for the 300th time. In the process, I almost forgot to break out the craft box. Never fear, vegetables are here!

On Sunday, while I finished making a few salads for dinner, the kids used my leftover vegetable pieces for stamping. We had previously stamped with potatoes. This time, we tried celery. Enter the huge paper roll and some tempera paint.

Celery bases make a great stamp for roses or other flowers. We used a simple palette of red, pink, yellow, and green. Let’s just say that colors got mixed pretty fast. If you can let your celery bases dry out a bit, I think that would help. It would also be great to use larger stalks to stamp leaves, but I didn’t think of that until much later.

062914 celery stamping (1).JPG

This is a simple project and perfect to pull out while you are cooking. Tag me on Instagram if you decide to give it a try. I’d love to see what your kids come up with. 

On a bit more adventurous note, we attempted to make bouncy balls on Tuesday morning. Total fail.

This is why Pinterest kills me sometimes. Oh, well. Live and learn.

We followed the directions to the letter. In fact, we followed them twice just to make sure. Do you see how beautiful the bouncy balls are in this picture? Right. Ours were not that. And they didn’t bounce.

Until next week, when we will attempt to recreate Rodin’s "The Thinker" out of play-do…