the review: fairy sticks

I’m a fan of pop tarts. I know, I know. Total garbage and I shouldn’t even admit in public that I like them, but pop tarts are happy childhood food to me. That’s not to say that I ate them non-stop during my childhood, oh no. My mom was pretty consistent with the no sugar rule, especially when it came to breakfast foods. It’s cool, though, I don’t need therapy or anything. At least not for that. Anyway, I let my kids have way more sugar than I should. Even I wouldn’t let them eat pop tarts for breakfast. Let’s call it a dessert, shall we? But when I saw these cute little mini pop tarts on Pinterest, I had to make them.

We happened to have a roll of pre-made pie crust left over from last week’s chicken pot pie adventure. My trusty assistant Natalie whipped up the filling, which is a simple mix of jam and berries. Our berries were frozen, which made the sticks a bit lumpy. Defrost your berries first. Also, we forgot to reduce the filling to adjust for the fact that we had only one sheet of pastry instead of two. This resulted in considerable mess and not very Pinterest-worthy finished product. But it was fun.


Gourmet, these are not, but Théa loved making them and was proud to tell her siblings that she had made dessert. Much complaining ensued about the type of dessert we were eating yet all of these lovely little fairy sticks were gone before sunrise, so let’s assume they were enjoyed by all. These take no time at all. Make some on a rainy day. Or for back to school lunches. These make for good times in the kitchen with little hands.