conversation is better than content

I know, right? It's been 3 months since my last blog post and I feel like I should be going to confession or something. I promise you, a lot has been going on and nothing has been going on and it is still a circus inside my house (and head). 

One of the things I've struggled with for some time is the feeling that much of blogging and social media these days feels like noise. It's like we are all yelling at the top of our lungs into this void and hoping that something sticks. Things begin to all look the same. When I start to feel that I am not inspired by my feeds, that I'm scrolling and scrolling and scrolling, it is time for a change. I don't want to look at the same thing anymore. I don't want to contribute to it either. 

One of my favorite design quotes - the quote that gets me through the sometimes ridiculous conversations in design school on whether a one-point perspective rendering of a kitchen is effective or a diatribe by a fellow student of the nuances of English versus French Neo-classical style - is by Albert Hadley:

This sentiment is what drives me to continue doing what I do. I believe that our homes should be a reflection of who we are, not what is popular on Instagram and not what is trending at Pottery Barn (no offense to Instagram or Pottery Barn intended). I believe that design is a conversation about how we live, about our dreams, about how we want our families to function. Writing into the void doesn't create design or inspiration in most cases. So it is time to do something else. 

I will continue to blog here on occasion (like the semi-annual One Room Challenge that is coming up in April - everyone clap your hands and throw confetti at once!) or when I must share some amazing new thing or have a project that I think might inspire you. But most days, I'll be found on Instagram or my new little Facebook group, where I hope to create conversation amongst the members about design and living and the important things in life that are more than decorating. Would you like to join me? Sign up for the mailing list or send me an email ( and I'll send you an invite. I hope you will join the conversation. 

I'll be seeing you all in April for One Room Challenge. Get excited!