the review: broccoli mac and cheese

Saturday night was date night, but the little people still needed to eat. Getting back into the swing of (relatively) healthy eating is tough after traveling. I was almost desperate to get some vegetables into the kids after two weeks of snacks as a substitute for meals, even if that meant hiding vegetables in cheese.

We hadn’t yet been grocery shopping but did have pasta and cheese on hand. We also had a lot of broccoli. I googled broccoli mac and cheese and let Gus pick a recipe based on the picture. The winner was here

Homemade mac and cheese follows a simple formula. A little flour, a little milk, some seasoning form a quicky béchamel. Dump in your cheese (sharper the better, in my opinion), toss with pasta and bake. Easy and you can eliminate orange dye. This recipe was about the same. I tossed my broccoli into the pasta water for the last minute or so of cooking. If you have picky eaters, cut that broccoli really small. You can also hide butternut squash puree in this and reduce some of the cheese.

This mac and cheese recipe got a strong vote of approval from the kids (“We should make this again!”), with seconds including broccoli.