let’s talk about chocolate mini donuts

I think it is safe to say that pictures of donuts or pictures of sprinkles or pictures of anything tiny are the key to success on the internet. Combine all three and you might even shut down the internet à la Kim Kardashian.

What is totally better than pictures of donuts or sprinkles or tiny things is sitting in my kitchen on a Wednesday morning eating tiny sprinkled donuts.

You know you want to come over.

This particular Wednesday, the Wednesday of the tiny sprinkled donuts, happened to be the fifth birthday of a certain set of twins that I know. Let’s not pretend that I make donuts every Wednesday, ok? Anyway, Gus requested mini donuts with sprinkles and vanilla Greek yogurt as the school treat for his birthday. The kid totally knows what’s up.

I had been on a roll with the baking so I will admit that I might have been somewhat overzealous and made not one but two types of donuts. I started with my favorite baked donut recipe from Joy the Baker: brown butter baked donuts with chocolate frosting. The fresh ground nutmeg absolutely makes these donuts. The browned butter isn’t bad eitherGet yourself some fresh nutmeg and a microplane zester and start cooking.  Oh, yeah. You'll probably need a mini donut maker or a donut pan too (they no longer make the donut maker that I have, but this one looks similar.)

One thing I’ve learned from making mini baked donuts is that there is always leftover glaze. Perhaps I’m not dipping my donuts quite as liberally as I should. Either way, I decided to use my extra glaze on a nice batch of chocolate baked donuts. Chocolate donuts with chocolate glaze. Never too much of a good thing.

This recipe for chocolate donuts was delicious. Like dessert for breakfast. The donuts were chocolate-y and cake-y but not at all dense. Perfect for a cup of coffee. Or a birthday snack with vanilla yogurt. Especially with sprinkles.

Also, while we are on the topic of sprinkles, have you seen this? Move over, Deflategate. Here comes Sprinklegate.