Weren't we cute in the 80's?

Weren't we cute in the 80's?

I’m not much of a fundraiser or soap boxer (ok, well I am a soap boxer) and I try not to use this space as a discussion board for political or social issues. I’m going to make an exception to the general rule right now and I’m going to rationalize it all the way because it is about my family and we all know that this blog is really more about my family than it is about food. If you aren’t interested, now’s the time to turn off your computer. Come back later, though. I won’t be this way forever.

Still here? Excellent. This Saturday, two of my brothers will be participating in NAMIWalks New Orleans in honor of their mom, Denise. My brothers’ lost their mom this past spring after a long battle with mental illness. My sister-in-law put it best when she said Denise “taught her babies to be wonderful, smart, kind people and to not sweat the small stuff.” Our dad and our step-mom will be walking along with my brothers, my sister-in-law, my brothers' step-dad, and other siblings. Ah, modern families. I wish I could click my heels and be in New Orleans on Saturday morning to walk with my brothers. I can’t be there, but I can help spread the word.



The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) holds walks all over the country as part of its effort to raise awareness and funds to help people with mental illness. Teams of people gather to honor and support those who suffer from mental illness in their own lives. Each local NAMI chapter raises money for a specific purpose related to those suffering from mental illness in their area. These walks allow NAMI to serve people within the community regardless of their ability to pay.

Please consider donating a small amount to my brothers’ team or to your own local NAMI chapter. We are all affected by mental illness. Let’s see what we can do to support those in need. If you are still reading this, thank you. My brothers and their family thank you too.