the menu: week of september 28

My husband picked out this week's offerings with a two minute peruse of one of my pin boards. Like menu planning is no big deal, we’ll just have this. I may have found my new method to planning dinner. Here, Honey. Take the ipad. Rob also made dinner last night using a recipe that he picked because he couldn’t find the one that we had originally planned to use. I'm pretty sure that I had made it once before, but it was delicious. I highly recommend a trip over to Williams-Sonoma’s blog, Taste, for some inspiration if you are in a rut.

And now, Rob's choices for this week's meals...

Monday. Caprese Burgers with oven baked potatoes

Tuesday. Bacon, Pear, and Blue Cheese Macaroni 

Wednesday. Curry Grilled Vegetables with Chickpeas and Polenta  

Thursday. Pad See Yew 

Friday. Lasagna-stuffed Spaghetti Squash 

Have a great week!