Posts tagged summer crafting
the weekly craft update: weeks of july 7 and july 14

I’m telling you. I can’t keep up at this pace. How do these fancy bloggers do it? I mean, if I can remember to take a shower some days, I am totally proud of myself. Remember how I said that I was going to slow down this summer? I'm still working on that. I really do want to do crafty things, though, especially with the kids. When we last left off, we had experienced a complete and total craft fail attempting to make bouncy balls.

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the weekly craft update: weeks of june 8 and 15

Now that we are all on board with my new crafting strategy wherein I craft something with my kids every week, we should probably get all of you non-Instagram followers caught up. You would save me so much time if you just followed me on Instagram, you know. Just kidding. But really, we should be friends on Instagram. I can never keep a secret and I am forever giving away my best stuff over there. Unfortunately, there might be a few too many pictures of my kids. But I do promise no pictures of my cup of coffee or a box of donuts or my feet or an airplane wing.

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summer craft time: watermelon banner

I’ve been hoarding craft ideas for the kids on Pinterest. You know how it is. Someday, I should totally make this with the kids. Then you forget and are reminded when you pin the same thing again. My youngest daughter is on to me. She’s started nagging me about making things. I literally can’t say “we could make that” or “we should make this” without her harassing me until we do. And so it was when the recent Paper Source catalog arrived in the mail with an adorable paper watermelon banner on the front cover.

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