Posts tagged costumes
dressing for the grocery store: the princess collection

A week or so ago, we were in the local five and dime (what do you even call that now? the discount store? the junk shop?), when my youngest daughter pulled out the total screamer. We were in the toy section so that Gus could pick out a toy for (FINALLY) completing his clean-up chart. Théa had finished her chart two weeks prior – a lifetime ago to a four year old – and did not understand why Gus was the only one who could pick something out. The dialog went something like this:

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dressing for disneyland: anna of arendelle

If you haven’t seen Frozen at least three times by now, you either don’t have daughters or have been living under a rock. For those uninitiated to the craziness that is Frozen-mania, the movie is the most recent princess movie in the Disney Dynasty and tells a story of two sisters (Elsa and Anna) that is loosely based on The Snow Queen. This Disney movie is unique in that (spoiler alert!!) true love does not always come in the form of Prince Charming.

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