Posts tagged design
stick to your progam (modern southern bungalow week 14)

Sometimes, you have to remember where you came from in order to move forward. This old adage applies to designing a house just as much as it applies to life. There are often too many decisions coming at us far too quickly. We feel the need to keep going and going and deciding all the things and we end up in the weeds and then… Yeah. We need to stop. We need to breathe. We need to get our butts into the yoga studio and chill the heck out.

Just me?

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expired: family living trends whose time is up

Quick quiz. List as many things as you can think of with an expiration date. Was any one of those things shiplap? Because unless you live in a farm house in central Texas built at least a hundred years ago, shiplap should have been the first thing to pop into your mind.

Let me back up a minute. The internet clearly has enough haters, and I won’t add to that by ripping on Joanna Gaines. I mean, she is EVERYWHERE, so that must mean people love what she is doing. And as much as I hate to admit it, I do like some of the rooms I see coming out of Magnolia. I really am going to do my part to remain positive. That said, I think we can all agree that some decorating trends need to have an expiration date.

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ask for help (modern southern bungalow week 13)

We have a kitchen! Ok, not really. But the wall has been opened up and the windows are in and the extra door is gone, so it feels 100% better than it was even without appliances. Or power.

The framing of the house is nearly done. We are still waiting for approval from the historic commission on a change to the dining room, but in the meantime electrical is going in as we speak and plumbing should begin today or tomorrow. The electrical and plumbing plans required a lot of decisions that I wasn’t yet ready to make (i.e., picking sconces and mirrors for bathrooms that weren’t yet designed and locating lights in rooms with no furniture plan).

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what's your why?

As we get deeper into the decisions on our remodel, and I try to balance that work with projects for clients and building a sustainable business and finding new clients and being a parent and a spouse and a daughter and a volunteer and generally splitting time between all of life’s roles and responsibilities, I’ve been thinking about why I do what I do. Some of you are new here, and may not know what I do. Some of you have been around since this blog was Susie Makes Supper and are wondering where all the recipes have gone. Some of you were just surfing the internet because your list is so long you don’t even know where to start and you aren’t actually sure why you are still reading this. Welcome.

Really, though, I do think it is important to remember why we choose the paths we are on and occasionally to question whether we want to stay on them. When we are thoughtful about our choices, not only are we happier (or at least more content), but we teach our children to be thoughtful about their own choices. Can I get an amen on how easy it is to lose sight of this? I’m in constant self-reminder mode that I have the power to choose what my life looks like and it looks pretty damn rad.

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what lights you up?

I dread being asked “What do you do?” There is something about this question that makes me want to crawl into a hole. The answer should be save the world or create world peace, but let’s be honest, the Nobel Prize team is not going to be knocking on my door any sooner than the Publisher’s Clearing House Sweepstakes team.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m thrilled to talk about design. I’m going to talk all about it in a minute here and you are going to want me to shut up (good thing you can always x out of this page). That thrill is because there are things about family living that turn me from normal to nerd in half a second. I am now lucky enough to be pursuing something that makes me tick, that keeps me awake at night in a positive way, that creates energy rather than sucking it…You know what I’m saying, right? If you don’t, let’s definitely talk about that.

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