Posts in small spaces
clean your purse, clean your life (a.k.a. how to declutter your life)

Someone once said to me (or I read somewhere or there is some famous saying that I can’t seem to put my google on) that the state of your purse is parallel to the state of your brain. In other words, if your purse is a mess, your mind is probably a bit scattered too.

Now before those of you who ascribe to the “mess breeds creativity” school start throwing things at me, I am not saying that a messy purse is a sign of a basket case. (Breakfast Club anyone?) I’m just saying that for most of us...

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how to make a reading nook

It’s raining and cold outside today and all I want to do is curl up with a blanket and a good book. Do you remember the last time you actually did that? Me either. As much as I’m very squarely in the camp to stop the glorification of busy, I’m still guilty of completely over scheduling myself at all times. Don’t get me started on the over-programming that is our lives these days. I could write am entire blog series on my thoughts about over scheduling our kids, and of course, I continue to do it myself. “She really wants to play soccer and take karate and be in scouts and do book club and yoga. How can I make her chose when she’s just exploring her options?” It’s a sickness, I’m sure.

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foolproof kid-clutter management

How do you stay on top of picking up after your kids? Do you fight the good fight Every. Single. Day? When you walk into a room is there always kid stuff on the floor? You know the things I’m talking about. Socks and books and toys seem to just fall off of your kids where ever they are and you are so over asking your kids to pick up after themselves. Good storage fine and all, but what about the stuff that doesn’t end up in its cute little identified storage space?

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kid stuff storage 101

The clutter of kids is unfathomable. The doll accessories, the Legos, the stuffed animals (oh, goodness, the stuffed animals!), the clothing, the school papers, the sports gear, the art projects… It’s enough to drive any parent mad. If only there was some way to contain the chaos.

Before you get all excited, I don’t have *the* magic answer here. My kids leave their socks in the middle of the floor and walk over them 30 times just like your kids. I do, however, have some tips to lessen the load. And let me get right to it by saying that my number one tip isn’t a decorating tip at all, but rather a way of life instilled in my husband by my mother-in-law that actually works: the old circular file is your best friend.

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modern southern bungalow: the girl who cried remodel

It is One Room Challenge time, which of course means I’m back on this website. Some of you (Hi, Mom!) have been hearing about our impending remodel for what seems like ever. This time last year, I redid the girls’ room on the cheap because we were soon to be starting a remodel and just needed a temporary fix. This time two years ago, I converted a ridiculous add-on in the back of the house into a family room because we were soon to be starting a remodel and just needed a temporary fix. You all know about the boy who cried wolf so I’m sure you can see where I’m going with this.  

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one room challenge: nicky's hygge bedroom (week 5)

It is week 5 of the One Room Challenge and things are actually coming along quite nicely thanks to lots of hard work from Nicky’s mom, Deb.

Last week, we talked about moving Nicky’s bed into the corner to give her the cozy hang-out space she was after. That move opened up a ton of floor space. Over FaceTime during week 4, while Deb moved the bookshelf for the 20th time (oh, and did you notice there is a new bookshelf in the room? Ch-ch-ch-changes….), Nicky’s face lit up at the idea of creating a specific area in her room for doing make-up.

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One Room Challenge: Nicky's Hygge Bedroom (week 3)

It just hit me as I typed the title of this post that the One Room Challenge is at its halfway point this week. Holy moly. It is time to get cracking!

Last week, you were introduced to Nicky, her mom, Deb, and the type of look Nicky wanted for her bedroom: soft, textured, neutral with bits of blush and gold. But Nicky is a only 13, so the room also needs to be a little fun and youthful. Our visual discussion via Pinterest (remember, we are working on this project states away!) led to the discovery a few other things that are important to Nicky, namely hanging lights, a little glam, and lots of pillows.

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