Posts tagged mexican
the review: grilled tequila chicken fajitas and key lime bars

People, I can’t take a picture of a taco to save my life. I know, I probably should have taken a nice photo of the whole spread – tortillas, chicken, grilled limes, sliced jalapeños, grilled onions and peppers… I didn’t. We had friends over and it just didn’t seem like the right thing to do to make everyone wait to eat. The original photos from Confections of a Foodie Bride are lovely. So there. Take my word for it, these chicken fajitas are good.

What’s better than how they tasted is that I didn’t cook them. My husband did all the work. Marinated the chicken all day, prepped and grilled the veggies, even set the table. I can’t in good conscience review something that I didn’t make. But you should. This was tasty chicken.

I did, however, lift a finger for something related to Saturday night’s dinner. I made dessert. Not just any dessert. Key lime squares with coconut crust. Hello little bites of heaven!

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the review: rosemary-citrus shrimp tacos

I was really excited to make rosemary-citrus shrimp tacos. Gluten free, vegetarian, and still appealing to the carnivores in my house? Sign me up. I was looking for big flavor. A tasty little Sunday night treat. Right. So Sunday morning, I started my usual process of going through each recipe on the weekly menu to build my grocery list and that’s when I noticed that the “rosemary-citrus” portion of these shrimp tacos was a pre-made dressing. Really? There was no way I was going to find rosemary citrus dressing in my local grocery store.

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the review: sweet potato and black bean enchiladas

A few months ago, one of our kids decided to give up eating meat temporarily during a food unit at school. Temporarily turned into permanently. And then she decided to also give up gluten.

The meat piece of the equation was pretty easy as we try to eat seafood around here and I am usually pretty good at using beans. It was also easy for me to prepare dinners as usual with some form of substitute for Lauren to get her the protein that she needed. The gluten piece combined with the meat piece has posed some challenges. The primary challenge is how to get her protein without vegetarian substitutes that contain gluten. Many of the gluten free recipes that I have come across are meat based. I keep finding that I can take out one item but not the other. When I do find something that is both gluten free and vegetarian, often times it is not something that my husband, who is a firm believer that there should be meat on the table at dinner, really wants to eat. And let’s be honest. Seafood for eight people (in a land locked state) is not cheap.

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the review: flank steak tacos

I don’t know why I continue to plan meals for the day prior to going out of town. I never actually have the time to cook on those days. I do hope you enjoyed the seared scallops with greens and orzo, because I didn’t get to make it and you will be seeing it again on another menu. I did, however, enjoy chili and grilled cheese at our local pub. Especially the part where I didn't have to clean the kitchen.

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