Confession time. I’m a bit of a loner. I do not mean by this that I spend a lot of time alone. I have seven kids, people. I don't even go the bathroom alone. The kids come and go. I plan, I schedule, I coordinate. I cook, I clean. I cook again. I spend an insane amount of time at the grocery store. Or thinking about going to the grocery store. When the day is done, I don’t have much of a social life. Are you nodding your head? Yep, I'm pretty sure my situation is not so unique.
Read MoreOne week from today, I will be attending a conference for bloggers called Altitude Summit (“ALT”, for short). There are apparently a lot of conferences for bloggers. It makes sense, right? Everyone has their own little piece of the internet so there would be an entire industry dedicated to helping every type of blogger cultivate his or her own virtual lot.
This particular blogging conference focuses on design. Interior design, paper design, graphic design, DIY, photography, fashion. Pretty much all things visual. It attracts people who can talk for hours about type selection or color. The kind of people who totally light my fire. There are some pretty amazing people scheduled to speak. I mean, Ben Silbermann and Evan Sharp? Come on. I get that I am a total dork, but I can’t wait to hear what they have to say.
Read MoreDo you know how hard it is to find an easy, non-sweet idea for a school holiday party snack? Pinterest is full of snap pea trees and banana snowmen, all of which are very cute, but not easy to transport and serve to 15 preschoolers.
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